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AZ-104 Premium Bundle
- Premium File 510 Questions & Answers
- Last Update: Jan 8, 2025
- Training Course 132 Lectures
- Study Guide 458 Pages
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Passing the IT Certification Exams can be Tough, but with the right exam prep materials, that can be solved. ExamLabs providers 100% Real and updated Microsoft Azure AZ-104 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers which can make you equipped with the right knowledge required to pass the exams. Our Microsoft AZ-104 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers, are reviewed constantly by IT Experts to Ensure their Validity and help you pass without putting in hundreds and hours of studying.
The AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam measures the ability of the candidates to perform the technical tasks, such as management of Azure identities & governance, implementation and management of storage, deployment and management of Azure compute resources, configuration and management of virtual networking, as well as monitoring and backing up of Azure resources. After passing this test, the individuals become eligible for obtaining the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification.
The Microsoft AZ-104 exam is intended for the professionals pursuing the career of an Azure Administrator. The target candidates for this test need to possess subject matter expertise in implementation, management, and monitoring of an enterprise’s Microsoft Azure environment. The applicants are recommended to have a minimum of 6 months of practical experience in the Azure administration in addition to a solid understanding of key Azure services, security, governance, and Azure workloads. Moreover, they should have competence in using Azure CLI, PowerShell, Azure portal, as well as Azure Resource Manager templates. Other prerequisite knowledge areas include an understanding of Domain Name System (DNS), virtual network concepts, gateways, firewalls, virtual private networks (VPNs), and encryption technologies; awareness of on-prem virtualization technologies, including virtual networking, VMs, and virtual hard disks; familiarity with Active Directory concepts, including groups, users, and role-based access control; comprehension of resilience & disaster recovery, including restore and backup operations.
Exam Details
The Microsoft AZ-104 certification test consists of around 40-60 questions that are to be completed by the students within the time frame of 120 minutes. The exam is available in multiple languages, including English, Simplified Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. To register for it, the candidates must sign up with the Pearson VUE platform and pay the fee of $165. This cost applies to the individuals from the United States. If you going to take your Microsoft AZ-104 outside the USA, this sum may be a bit lower for you. To check the actual pricing for your location, visit the official webpage.
The Microsoft website also comprises the relevant preparation resources. The students can choose from self-paced learning paths that are available free of charge or instructor-led courses that are offered on a paid basis. There are 6 free learning paths for the Microsoft AZ-104 exam and these are as follows:
Each of the above-mentioned paths covers several modules that conform to the exam objectives. It is worth noting that the completion of free learning paths is required for enrolling for the official instructor-led course, AZ-104T00-A: Microsoft Azure Administrator. It is delivered by the network of Microsoft Learning Partners all over the world. To find the learning partner in your country, follow the link on the official exam webpage. The duration of training is 2 days and it is available in the English language. The AZ-010T00-A: Azure Administration for AWS SysOps course will also help you build a sufficient knowledge base for the Microsoft AZ-104 certification test. It is 2 days long and available in English as well.
Moreover, you can take advantage of the official practice test that will help you improve your test-taking and time management skills. This tool will also allow you to get familiar with the exam pattern so that you feel more confident during your real session. It is advised that you use various training resources in combo to achieve the best result in your Microsoft AZ-104 test.
Exam Topics
The first step in preparation for any certification exam must be a detailed review of its topics. The candidates for the Microsoft AZ-104 test are recommended to go through the official website to download the extensive skills outline. A brief description of the objectives covered in this certification exam is provided below:
Management of Azure Identities & Governance (15-20%)
Implementation and Management of Storage (15-20%)
Deployment and Management of Azure Compute Resources (20-25%)
Configuration and Management of Virtual Networking (25-30%)
Monitoring and Backing up of Azure Resources (10-15%)
Career Opportunities and Salary Outlook
The completion of the Microsoft AZ-104 exam and subsequent award of the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification provides you with everything it takes to perform the role of an Azure Administrator. Your responsibilities in the framework of this job title will include implementing, managing, and monitoring identity, compute, storage, governance, as well as virtual networks within a Cloud environment in addition to provisioning, sizing, monitoring, and adjusting resources when required. Being a Microsoft Azure Administrator, you will be able to become a part of a larger team involved in implementing an enterprise's Cloud infrastructure. Moreover, the successful candidates can also take up the related roles, such as a Systems Administrator, an Azure Systems Engineer, an Infrastructure Engineer, an Azure Cloud Administrator, a Microsoft Azure Developer, an Azure Cloud Engineer, an Azure Cloud Architect, an Infrastructure Architect, and a Software Development Engineer, among many others. As for financial prospects, the average salary associated with these positions is $107,683 per year. However, with some level of experience in the field or extra professional certificates, you can earn as much as $185,500 per annum.
Choose ExamLabs to get the latest & updated Microsoft AZ-104 practice test questions, exam dumps with verified answers to pass your certification exam. Try our reliable AZ-104 exam dumps, practice test questions and answers for your next certification exam. Premium Exam Files, Question and Answers for Microsoft AZ-104 are actually exam dumps which help you pass quickly.
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